REAL actively responds natural disasters and emergencies such as flood and Tsunami. The organization has been responding emergencies since the year 2004. During its engagement in various disaster response interventions. REAL has well skilled itself in designing and implementing the relief and recovery interventions.
- REAL built 250 permanent shelters as part of Tsunami Rehabilitation Program
- REAL has provided various relief and early recovery services to nearly about 15,000 families in three districts.
- Established Child Friendly Space (CFS) in the affected 20 villages and covered 2000 children
- Flood affected population in 35 villages engaged and provided support under cash for work;
- Employability skill training on four wheeler driving, computer, tailoring, beautician, food processing etc were given to the 600young men and women;
- 70% Children and community people were sensitized on basics of disaster, prevention, mitigation and preparedness in the disaster prone villages of Cuddalore District.
- Village Level Task Force teams also established to help at the time of any disaster.
The relief work of REAL was well received and appreciated by the government authorities and communities at large.
Currently, the organization is building comprehensive school safety program by assessing vulnerability of school to the disaster within and external and developing School Safety Plan in 11 worst flood affected schools in Cuddalore. Also, capacitating the children and teachers on disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness.