The overall goal of this project is “375 small/marginal farmers and 400 landless women ensure their sustainable livelihoods by implementation of improved land-use methods and income-generating activities in 15 villages of Cuddalore District.
- 44 farmer’s club and 62 landless women groups are formed and federated as part of this project.
- So far, project supported 330 small /marginal farmers for practicing organic cultivation methods.
- Farmers received fund support (@ Rs.10000 each) and used majorly for levelling and ploughing, purchase of seeds, organic manures, drip irrigation etc.
- Similarly, 1,100 landless women supported for allied agriculture activities by way of fund support, skill training and capacity building activities.
- 1300 farmers were given training on Farmer’s Field School (FFS), Integrated Crop, Pest and Nutrient Management, Climate Change, Crop Insurance etc.
- Also, they were capacitated on banana fibre extraction, cashew processing, backyard vegetable cultivation, animal husbandry etc.
Further, Village Resource Centre (VRC) has been established in one of the project location where farmer can access agriculture related information’s and technical assistance from the Agronomist from Monday to Friday. The required organic manures / inputs and agriculture equipment’s are also available in the VRC for the benefit of the small and marginal farmers. Any farmer in the surrounding village can buy the inputs and hire the equipment at lowered cost.
The project location is largest grower of cashew in the state. Therefore, a full-fledged ‘cashew processing unit’ been established. Any women or famer can make use of this facility with minimum fee for boiling, cutting, drying and packing of processed cashew. Moreover, the unit engages around 50 women regularly and provides an employment opportunity.
The support not only ensured the sustainable income for the project beneficiaries and importantly promoting the organic cultivation in the working villages.